Articles from the year 2023
All our News, Videos, Blogs and Story posts from 2023

Muslim Uber driver caught raping blonde English girl

He was interrupted with his trousers pulled down thrusting against a drunk blonde girl

Muslim Uber driver caught raping blonde English girl
UK, Rochdale - 10 Apr 2023


  • UK, Rochdale - 10 Apr 2023: Muslim Uber driver caught with trousers down on back seat of his Uber taxi (VIDEO BELOW)
  • The rape/ sex attack victim appeared to be a drink blonde White teenage girl and took place on Thames Street, Rochdale
  • The Muslim who caught him calls him 'brother' and challenges his actions during Ramadan
  • The rapist's Uber was a 2014 Toyota Auris, licence SA64 BVY, Taxi number P2034 found to be licensed by Rochdale council to a Mohammed Jamal



Pretty German girl brutally stabbed to death by Filipino mixed-race bully

Luise Frisch was stabbed 32 times, pushed down a hillside and left to die

Pretty German girl brutally stabbed to death by Filipino mixed-race bully
Germany, Freudenberg - 11 Mar 2023
Luise Frisch (left) brutally murdered by school class-mates LH and AMH


  • 2023-03-11 - Germany, Freudenberg: Two school-girls brutally murder class-mate after she reports them of bullying her to teacher, after rumoured romantic feud over school boy
  • Luise Frisch(12) was stabbed 32 times, smashed in the head with rocks, pushed down a hillside and left to die in the freezing cold
  • LH(13) of mixed German/ Filipino parentage, led the attack and forced AMH(12) to throw rocks at Frisch. They filmed Tiktok dancing videos the following day
  • LH deceived the victim's parents in a series of phone calls feigning ignorance of Frisch's whereabouts delaying potential life saving aid
  • After police interviews revealed their lies the girls admitted to Frisch's murder


South Africa - 2023

South African nurses chant “Kill the Whites”

After 333 attacks and 50 murders on South African farms in 2022



  • The hateful Black nurses and supporters danced and chanted "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer”
  • Many seemed to be smiling joyfully whilst chanting this murderous racist slogan
  • The chant was made popular by anti-White, Marxist Julius Malema's EFF party
  • There were 333 attacks and 50 murders in at South African farms 2022


USA - 2023

“Bitched ass N*gger!” Black male brutally beats and abuse man on bus

A mixed-race girl also took part in the beating watched by many passengers



  • 2023-03 - USA, LA: Black male in 20s or 30s and mixed race teen brutally, kick, stamp on and punch helpless bus passenger 
  • The attacker verbally abuses and humiliates the victim whilst he and the girl beat him
  • In the minute long clip credited to @peopleofmetrola other shocked passengers are filmed watching most seeming to be too scared to intervene 
  • A brave Chinese lady is the only passenger who says anything and eventually stops the beating by point out the man filming 


The Knowsley Protest Conspiracy
Sex-pest migrant, Suites protest, Elon Musk, James Costello, Guardian’s Diane Taylor, Care4Calais's Clare Moseley, Labour’s Emily Spurrell and Sir George Howarth MP

The Knowsley Protest Conspiracy

Did anti-White journalists and politicians secretly collude to silence White activists?

1 Comment on The Knowsley Protest Conspiracy


  • 2022 - UK, Kirkby: 200 male migrants using asylum system as route to British citizenship housed in 'The Suites' hotel leading to local staff being sacked, events cancelled and reports of local girls being harassed
  • 7th Feb 2023: Schoolgirl films herself being propositioned by paedophile migrant leading to locals organising peaceful protest at hotel 
  • 10th Feb 2023: Kirkby protest overrun by far-left, violent Antifa groups
  • Police abandon an unlocked 2015 reg van outside hotel leading to youths ransacking and setting it on fire, without police intervention
  • The Guardian’s Diane Taylor breaks the story with a suspiciously pre-prepared article incorrectly blaming 200 Patriotic Alternative protestors for violence leading to other journalists and politicians pushing false narrative
  • Her article curiously quotes Tweet from Merseyside police commissioner Emily Spurrell 17 minutes before it is published
  • 20th Feb 2023: In a parliamentary debate Kirkby MP George Howarth calls for Patriotic Alternative to be proscribed as terrorists and de-platformed from social media, resulting in Twitter bans days later
  • Was the Kirkby protest hijacked by an anti-White conspiracy to silence and criminalise pro-White groups?


UK, Liverpool - 7 Feb 2023

Sex Pest migrant propositions Liverpool school girl

The resulting viral video led to an explosive protest



  • UK, Liverpool - 7 Feb 2023: A Kirkby school girl films an Egyptian migrant sex-pest propositioning her in the street.
  • He is one of 200 freely roaming asylum seekers housed by the UK government in local 'The Suites' hotel.
  • The video went viral leading to locals organising a protest outside the hotel which descended into chaos when masked trouble-makers set fire to a police van.


USA, Miami - 1 Feb 2023

Black teen pummels 9 year old White girl in Miami school bus beating

A 14 year old was arrested by police following the attack



  • USA, Miami, Homestead - 2023-02-02: On a school bus to Coconut Palm K-8 Academy a Black male bully viciously beats a small light skinned 9 year old girl
  • She was punched in the head, face and neck whilst huddling in a ball attempting to protect herself
  • Her 10 year old brother was also beaten on the bus
  • The girl’s mother and expressed her horror at the beating by the Black male
  • A 14-year-old was arrested by Miami-Dade Police 


UK, London - 23 Jan 2023

Creepy smiling Black man stares at White woman on London bus



  • Creepy Black bus passenger filmed staring intently and harassing White female London bus passenger
  • Turning to her he looks intently, smiling then leans forward and sticks his tongue out.
  • He then does some thumbs up gestures thinking he has won the young woman over.
  • He then comes over and leans into the victims face as if going for a kiss.
