Pretty German girl brutally stabbed to death by Filipino mixed-race bully
Germany, Freudenberg - 11 Mar 2023
Luise Frisch (left) brutally murdered by school class-mates LH and AMH

Pretty German girl brutally stabbed to death by Filipino mixed-race bully

Luise Frisch was stabbed 32 times, pushed down a hillside and left to die

A pretty blonde, blue eyed German school girl was brutally stabbed to death, beaten over the head with rocks, pushed down a wooded slope and left to die by a mixed-race girl of German/ Filipino parentage and a younger girl.

Freudenberg is a picturesque, medieval town with distinctive traditional black and white, half timbered houses nested in a scenic wooded mountainous valley. It is a friendly, traditional German town of around 18,000 people, popular for its Christmas markets. 

Attending local Esther-Bejarano Comprehensive School three young school girls, who had been friends for years, fell out after a feud over a boy. This led to LH, 13, and AMH, 12, bullying Luise Frisch, 12, for three months, resulting in Frisch reporting the bullying to a teacher.

On Friday 10th March LH invited Luise to her home for a sleepover. Frisch may have accepted hoping to make peace with her former best friend. The following day they were joined by AMH and they went for a walk passing through a disused railway tunnel leading from Hohenhain village 2 miles from Freudenberg. This took them further into the wood where they were witnessed walking in a trio by one of LH’s neighbours.

At some point that afternoon the mood within the group much have changed suddenly and radically. The pretence of the new-found friendliness vanished as the two girls lead by LH, set upon Luise Frisch in a brutal attack, thought to be a punishment for her reporting them for bullying. During the frenzied attack Frisch was stabbed a staggering 32 times with a small knife, or – as police later suspected – a nail file. The girls then put a plastic bag over Frisch’s head and LH forced the younger AMH to throw rocks at Frisch’s head to finish her off, threatening her with violence if she didn’t comply. Frisch was then pushed down a steep bank near a cycle path and left in the freezing cold, severely bleeding and critically injured.

The two girls returned to LH’s house and then put on a calculated act to give the impression nothing unusual had occurred. AMH’s father arrived and drove her back home. Around 17:00 Frisch’s parents began to worry that their daughter was missing.

At 17:30 LH phoned Frisch’s parents and put on a performance saying Luise had departed for home at 17:30 and that she was phoning to check she had returned home safely. LH called back several times continuing the charade and feigning concern.

Her cold-hearted deception prevented any last chance of Luise Frisch receiving emergency medical aid that might have saved her life.

The following day LH and AMH continued the pretence of innocence and enraged worried locals by callously uploading attention-seeking videos of them blithely dancing to TikTok, a video sharing platform, resulting in torrents of angry comments.

While they were busy making Tiktok videos an extensive police search was underway involving dozens of officers, volunteers, sniffer dogs, drones and a helicopter. Later that day the search party were horrified to discover Frisch’s dead body in the wood, covered in stab wounds in a pool of blood. Police experts later concluded Frisch had died from blood loss and hypothermia with temperatures around zero.

After the police heard that the three girls had been seen walking into the wood together by the neighbour they arrested LH and AMH on Monday, March 13. On questioning their contradictory statements aroused suspicion and further questions resulted in both girls confessing to the murder, with AHM the younger girl describing how LH had forced her to take part and threatened her with violence.

Photos and videos of the girls who had murdered Frisch circulated online. LH is a mixed race girl of Mongoloid-European racial heritage. On her now deleted Tiktok account next to the account name were icons of German and Philippines flags, suggesting mixed parentage, most likely a German father and Philippino mother, judging by the many men choosing to destroy their European genetic legacy with Mongoloid women in recent years. The killer’s parents mixed relationship reportedly failed however and they were separated.

Photos and videos of their daughter, the principle killer LH reveal a stocky child-of-Kalergi mongrel hybrid, lacking the distinct features of fully Mongoloid or European girl, instead being a plain, beige skinned, Mongoloid blend. In a sexual selection battle against the angelic, slender and typically Germanic Frisch, it is improbable that a German boy would have even given her any consideration. Feeling rejected by men of her German side would have been deeply upset and embittered, which may have explained the extreme violence directed at beautiful, full-blooded, Blue eyed, blond haired love rival Frisch.

The local and national community is reported to be in deep shock with many leaving memorials at a make-shift shrine on Saturday 18th March, with a service at the Church Frisch and her family attended later this week. The killing has lead to calls for the age of criminal responsibility to be lowered.

With death threats against the school girls from furious and heartbroken Germans, and both being below the age of criminal responsibility in Germany, we have decided not to show photos or videos of their unblurred faces or to display their full names.

Article Sources

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