Articles from the year 2004
All our News, Videos, Blogs and Story posts from 2004

Scottish Teen tortured, stabbed and burned to death by Pakistani gang

They picked "White Bastard" Kriss Donald randomly - because he was White

Scottish Teen tortured, stabbed and burned to death by Pakistani gang
UK, Glasgow - 15 Mar 2004
Kriss Donald, Zeeshan Shahid, Mohammed Mushtaq, Imran Shahid, Zahid Mohammed, Daanish Zahid (clockwise)


  • 15 Mar 2004 - UK, Glasgow: Violent Pakistani gangsters abduct Scottish schoolboy in brutal racially motivated attack
  • Kriss Donald was randomly picked for being White in a gangland petty revenge attack
  • Forced to lie in footwell of car for hours, punched and kicked
  • Taken to a Clyde river-side walk where he was stabbed 13 times, set on fire and left to die
  • The Sheilders gang - Imram “Baldy” Shahid, Zeeshan “Crazy” Shahid, Mohammed ''Becks'' Mushtaq, Zahid ''Ziggy'' Mohammed and Daanish ''Ferrari'' Zahid all found guilty
