Articles from the year 2014
All our News, Videos, Blogs and Story posts from 2014
USA, New Jersey - 24 Jun 2014

McDonalds worker brutally beats New Jersey woman in park beating

The victim’s toddler son attempted to protect his mother in vain



  • USA, New Jersey - 2014-06-24: Latia Harris, 25, of Salem, New Jersey was filmed brutally beating an unknown White mother in a park, while her toddler old son attempted to intervene.
  • McDonalds employee Harris was apparently angry about the victim for spreading rumors about her and her manager.
  • The victim was found covered in blood, disoriented and bleeding from the face.
  • The victim was treated for her injuries at a local hospital. The attack left her with limited vision in her left eye, according to a complaint filed by police.
