The Attack on My Daughter

"One of them dragged my daughter by her hair while the others punched and kicked her"

My oldest daughter and her five friends (every single one of them student athletes from good families) were staying at a condo in Seaside Park and went to the boardwalk for fried Oreos at 10:30 PM at night. They were maliciously and brutally attacked by a pack of vicious blacks. One of them dragged my daughter by her hair while the others punched and kicked her. Her friends, outnumbered and “out streeted” got much the same. All of them had their phones stolen. When the attackers were caught, we learned that all of them had criminal pasts and prior records.

The six victims were, and are, nice kids from the suburbs who, while certainly aware of what goes on in the world, were very ignorant of thug behavior, naïve about black culture, and in the end, quite sheltered. They are sweet, polite, and respectful.

There are three points I need to make. Hopefully, they will resonate with parents, kids, and anybody else who might learn from this incident.

First, many people stood by during the attack, recording it with their phones instead of helping. People have become media hounds, more interested in broadcasting on YouTube than helping their fellow man. Moreover, plenty of Americans want to hit “record” in hopes of capturing so-called “police brutality,” and don’t care about other types of injustice. Do not assume strangers will help you.

Second, nothing good can possibly come from being on the Seaside Boardwalk after 9 PM — I don’t care how many people you are with. It is not safe. It is dangerous. And I am not speaking from a sheltered, suburban point of view, but rather as the daughter of a Newark cop. I do not live in fear of everyday life, but understand that the Boardwalk is not “family friendly.” The gangs, drugs, and unsavory people far outnumber the good.

Third, the Seaside Heights Police Department means business. They are well-trained, alert, and came to my daughter’s aid in less than a minute. Unfortunately, it takes seconds for something to happen. Despite how prepared you may think you are, no amount of preparedness or self-defense training can fully ready you for encounters with street rats who know no boundaries. Learn from this lesson.

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