Black male attacks White street performer in unprovoked attack
USA, LA - 6 Jun 2021

Black male attacks White street performer in unprovoked attack

The passerby attacked the 70 year old street performer breaking his cheek and eye socket

LOS ANGELES – An elderly man was hospitalized after a vicious attack near the Venice Beach boardwalk Sunday afternoon.

On Wednesday, authorities announced they arrested Macio Harger, a 45-year-old resident of Los Angeles, is homeless and was residing in one of the homeless encampments on the Venice Beach boardwalk close to where the incident took place.

Harger was arrested for 243(d) PC, “Battery Causing Serious Bodily Injury” and awaiting filing recommendations by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office. Detectives are currently in the process of determining a motive for the attack

The incident happened around 12:30 p.m. in the 500 block of Ocean Ave. in Venice, authorities said.

Video from Citizen app shows police and onlookers surrounding a man in his 70’s who was injured when he was knocked to the ground.

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Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics transported the victim to a local area hospital where he was treated for serious injuries.

The man’s sister says he has a shattered cheek and broken ocular bone in many places. He is recovering at home.

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