African stabs-to-death White British male in ferocious Oxford Circus attack
UK, London - 1 Jul 2021
Eritrean refugee Tedi Fanta Hagos killed Stephen Dempsey at Oxford Circus

African stabs-to-death White British male in ferocious Oxford Circus attack

Violent and deranged Eritrean Asylum seeker stabbed Stephen Dempsey in unprovoked killing

In July 2021 a violent and unstable, schizophrenic, Eritrean refugee, welcomed into the UK by its soft-touch government in 2014, travelled across the country from Wales to London, where he stabbed to death a 60 year old, White British male in an unprovoked attack – another victim of open borders policies.

Former child soldier, Tedi Fanta Hagos, who fought in the Eritrean–Ethiopian border conflict, seeking refuge from violence in Eritrea, chose to apply for asylum in UK, where in 2014, aged 18, he was warmly received by David Cameron’s ‘compassionate Conservative’ government.

After being given a second chance in life as well as a home and benefits in the UK, he proceeded to gain criminal convictions, assaulting a Police officer and another emergency services worker. In 2010 he was sectioned as authorities realised he was a danger to those around him due to his mental derangement. On June 18th 2021 he was arrested after wandering around Swansea wielding a saw in a threatening manner.

Two weeks after being released on bail, he made a trip from his house in Ravenhill, Swansea to London on 1st July 2021. At around 8pm he was at Oxford Circus, where on Regent Street outside the Microsoft Store he carried out a ferocious, completely unprovoked attack on Stephen Dempsey, 60, who had travelled to London from Leigh-on-Sea in Essex.

Hagos stabbed Mr Dempsey four times in the back, with one incision entering his heart. Two skateboarders who thought they were witnessing a terror attack heroically used their boards to withstrain the crazed attacker from further attacks until the police arrived. Passersby did their best to help Stephen Dempsey but he died of his injuries later that day in hospital.

Stephen Dempsey will be missed by his family and friends. He was born in Belfast, but had grown up in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex, and worked as a civil servant before retiring.

His sister Kathleen Dempsey said he had a “brilliant mind”, a “dry sense of humour” and loved live music and languages, particularly French.

Mr Dempsey’s mother Beryl Dempsey said his death had left her “shocked” and “lost for words”.

In a statement released through the Metropolitan Police, she said:

“I feel lost for words. I still feel so shocked and I keep expecting him to just walk back through the door.

“He looked after me and I depended on him for so much. I relied on him for everything and I miss him terribly.

A week later, on July 6 2021, Mr Fanta Hagos, of Ravenhill in Swansea, appeared at the Old Bailey assisted by a translator where he was charged with Stephen Dempsey’s murder and possession of an offensive weapon. In January 2023 he returned to the Old Bailey for trial where it he was deemed unfit for trial due to paranoid schizophrenia, and Judge Michael Topolski KC gave him an indefinite hospital detention order.

Stephen Dempsey’s name can be added to the ever growing list of victims killed or injured by hostile and dangerous 3rd-world migrants, invited in by European politicians, in ever increasing numbers. Stephen Dempsey paid the cost of Cameron’s government’s decision and the UK tax payers will now pay for him to be cared for in a hospital, at great expense, for the rest of his life. There he will pose a risk to other patients and staff looking after him.

Article Sources

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