Lesbian ‘Number one psycho’ beats bi-sexual girlfriend’s baby to death
UK, Keighley - 22 Sep 2020
Victim Star Hobson with mother Frankie Smith and killer Savannah Brockhill

Lesbian ‘Number one psycho’ beats bi-sexual girlfriend’s baby to death

Died from massive internal bleeding, also had skull, rib, leg fractures and brain injuries

Star Hosbon was born in Keighley, Yorkshire, May 2019 to pretty young mother, Frankie Smith, 19, and father Jordan Hobson, a student at Sunderland University. Six months later their relationship ended. Despite only having boyfriends previously, Smith started frequenting ‘The Sun Hotel’, a gay pub in Bradford.

Here she met Savannah Brockhill, 28, who worked as a bouncer at the pub. The two started an intense and toxic homosexual relationship that would ruin many lives. After starting the relationship, Smith’s family noticed a negative change in the young woman’s personality and that she developed a strange and unhealthy obsession with the older lesbian, of a traveler background. The family noticed changes in the way she spoke, adopting Brockhill’s turn of phrase. Her grandmother later said in court, “She was talking and dressing like a traveler; it was all Savannah. Her focus was all on her.”

Brockhill was a controlling presence and aggressively acted out the male role in their union. With love rivals showing interest in Smith, Brockhill asserted possession over her pretty, young bi-sexual girlfriend, by making a threatening social media video, where she described herself as ‘the number one psycho’ and warned potential suitors that Smith was ‘hers’ and that they should stay away, or risk being knee-capped.[5]

“Guys and girls need to remember the fact that Frankie is with me. She keeps getting message and friend requests. She’s not going to accept. Especially tramps like yous. And if you want to keep your kneecaps I suggest you stop sending them. She’s with the number one psycho.”

Brockhill also started to view Frankie and Jordan’s toddler, Star, as her possession, claiming she had now replaced the biological father’s position in the child’s life, and sought for both Star’s first name to be changed and for the surname to be changed to her own last name – Brockhill.[3]

The on/off 10 month relationship was volatile with both women shouting and physically attacking each other and fighting for control over the toddler. One night Smith had gone to a pub, leaving the toddler with Brockhill at her house, when she returned she was enraged to find Brockhill had absconded with the child to her home and threatened to kill Brockhill if she didn’t return the child.[3]

Friends and family started to be concerned for Star’s safety, noticing bruises on her little body. When the child had been dangerously tired the duo had filmed her, laughing as the toddler fell off her chair, banging her head on the ground. During the trial the jury was shown a video of Brockhill delivering 21 blows of considerable force to the toddler in the back of a car over 3 hours, caught on CCTV.[1] Smith’s grandmother called social services when she heard Brockhill had been wrestling with the infant performing choke-slam moves involving lifting and throwing the toddler onto a bed by her neck in a potentially lethal move.[8]

Social services received multiple reports of the child being injured and at risk, but when phoned to tell Smith they were visiting, she pulled the wool over their eyes by tidying up and covering the bruises on the infant’s body. In a move that would cost the infant her life, the politically correct, easily-deceived, Social-services then closed the case and turned the attack on the concerned relations accusing them of being homophobic.[5]

After 10 months of abuse and beating on 22 September 2020, the violent lesbian gave the little girl a final beating that was to kill her. In the later trial the judge said the fatal blow to Star’s abdomen had caused the toddler to lose half the blood in her body, due to internal bleeding and severely damaged her internal organs. She then collapsed into unconsciousness and was dead on arrival, at Airedale General Hospital. Star was also discovered to have two brain injuries, a skull fracture, rib fractures, leg fracture from previous beatings by Brockhill.[6] The pair behaved strangely in the hospital the grieving young mother Smith refusing to hold the dead child but obsessively stroking the dead infant’s face, whilst Brockhill was shouting and waving her arms around.[4]

After the death of the baby, ‘number one psycho’, Brockhill, attempted to control what Smith said to authorities to avoid responsibility for her actions. She also attempted to prevent Star’s family from attending the funeral and attempted to have the toddler buried next to her mother’s grave, rather than in a location of Star’s family’s choosing.

During the trial the Judge said the toddler had been caught in the crossfire of their relationship. Frankie Smith of Halifax Road, Keighley, was jailed for eight years at Bradford Crown Court for causing or allowing the death of her 16-month-old daughter, Star Hobson. Savannah Brockhill of Hawthorn Close, Keighley, was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 25 years for the murder of 16-month-old Star Hobson.

David Fawcett, Great grandfather of victim Star Hobson, said outside the court

“I’m just pleased that we got a murder conviction for Savannah Brockhill. Because to me she was just pure evil. I just can’t believe she could do something like that to a baby girl, it was like – as I say, we were just a quiet lovely family and she like ascended from the bowels of hell and just completely devastated, wrecked our family and took poor baby Star’s life.[5]

Father of the infant Jordan Hobson, released a statement

‘The horrific death of my beautiful baby daughter has left me devastated and I will never recover from the callous and cruel way in which Star was taken from me.

‘No sentence that a court can impose will ever bring back my precious daughter.

‘I would now request privacy so that I can start to grieve and begin to try and pick up the pieces of my life.’[7]

Article Sources

  1. https://metro.co.uk/2021/10/20/mum-and-partner-killed-16-month-old-girl-by-stamping-on-her-and-blamed-toddler-15457757/
  2. https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/19683114.star-hobson-trial-savannah-brockhill-told-mum-say-death/
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-59293044
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-59150276
  5. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/19785865.star-hobsons-mother-victim-toddlers-murder-claims-barrister/
  6. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/baby-killer-savannah-brockhill-two-25704641
  7. https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/national/19788517.sentence-murdered-toddlers-mother-doesnt-sound-enough-says-care-minister/
  8. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10321927/Heartbroken-father-Star-Hobson-breaks-silence-horrific-murder.html
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We strive to present accurate information based on reliable sources and testimonies. Key points have citation links for fact checking. Anything published later shown by credible sources to be incorrect, we ask interested parties to let us know in the comments and we will amend or delete when possible. This website unapologetically displays races and ethnic groups of attackers and victims, to readdress Mainstream media bias. However, the information presented is to educate and inform readers and not intended to legitimise, condone or to incite hatred or violence to any persons named or others based on religion, race or ethnic group. We do not support unlawful activities or physical violence.

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