Australia – Diversity Is Their Strength The Latest Enrichment Stories Mon, 06 Feb 2023 13:45:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Australia – Diversity Is Their Strength 32 32 Killer tranny axes shoppers in Sydney attack Thu, 02 Feb 2023 13:05:19 +0000 Continue reading "Killer tranny axes shoppers in Sydney attack"

In the early hours of Saturday Jan 7th 2017, a deranged, gender-confused biological male, who had consumed a dangerous cocktail of alcohol, anti-depressants, mind-altering substances and hormone disrupting drugs, walked into a convenience store with an axe and knife to commit bloody murder.

Privileged narcissist went down dangerous Leftist path

Of Italian descent, Karl Booth-Amati came from a good Australian family, growing up comfortably with parents in high status Trade Union roles. He attended decent schools in safe, majority White Perth, where he was a top 1% student.

In 2010, aged 18, he moved to Sydney, landing a Trade Union advisor job gained through parental contacts, and began to study Politics at University. His young life appeared to be a success; he was popular with friends, had attractive girlfriends, and played gigs in a rock band he had formed.

However, he was also becoming increasingly drawn into Left-wing activism, joining ‘Socialist Alliance’, a coalition of  Marxist revolutionary groups and writing for ‘Green Left Weekly’, a magazine advocating for anti-White ideology, open borders, authoritarian Green policies, and gay and trans agendas. Amati seemed to have a particular affinity for gay issues despite having had heterosexual relationships, and became involved with ‘Community Action Against Homophobia’ (CAAH), a hard-left, gay and trans rights group, on whose behalf he spoke at a pro-refugee demonstration.[10]

By June 2012, Amati had become infected by narcissistic gender-transitioning ideology, and on social media announced that he wanted to be female. After receiving support from Leftist friends and family he started taking hormone disrupting drugs to become a faux-femme appearing with his band on stage in drag. In 2014 he travelled to Thailand with mother, sister Chiara and then girlfriend, Tara Maree, to have a 5 hour surgical operation.

The result of the hormone disrupting drugs and body mutilation surgery was to enter a dark world of excruciating physical pain, depression, murderous and suicidal thoughts which increased after his relationship failed in 2015. Dependant on hormone disrupting drugs, anti-depressants, cannabis and other narcotics, Amati was unsuccessful in finding a new partner and suffered a string of rejections from biological women who no longer found him attractive as a ‘Shemale’. After suicide attempts he purchased an axe in December 2016 and made a strange social media post boasting of smashing up his sofa with it.

“OMG I just destroyed an old couch with a new axe. It was incredibly satisfying but gives me ideas haha”.

Deranged axe-attack after Tinder rejection by women

After a failed Tinder date, and high on a combination of alcohol, female hormones, antidepressants, cannabis and an MDA tablet, the full effects of the gender-bending insanity were to be demonstrated on 7th January 2017, when Amati was filmed walking into a Petrol station convenience store at 2.20am, carrying a long handled 2kg axe where he attempted to murder 3 people.

Benjamin Rimmer, 32, had been celebrating his wife’s pregnancy with friends and, before returning home, had popped into the store to buy a pie. After attempting friendly conversation with the person he took to be in a fancy dress costume, Amati, displaying masculine rage, swung the axe in an 180 degree arc directly into his face, chopping clean through his nasal and cheek bones and his eye socket, fracturing the front part of his skull and knocking the victim backwards off his feet.

Another customer, fancy dress shop owner and mother, Sharon Hacker, was just leaving the store as Amati turned his attention to her, swinging the axe into the back of her head, fracturing the skull and causing her to fall forwards. On landing she rolled over and narrowly missed another strike as Amati swung manfully at her again.

Amati then prissily stepped over the injured victims and, spotting a Homeless man, went for a third murderous attack. Disabled Shane Redwood used his backpack to defend against the axe blows then, after falling to the ground, managed to escape the violent Tranny maniac.

The police arrived at the convenience store to a nightmarish scene of gory chaos, as Benjamin Rimmer bled profusely on the floor and his facial injuries caused him to vomit blood. They located the strange figure of Amati lying outside a house, next to the axe, pretending to be asleep on the ground.

Axeman Transitioning back in prison

In court, self-involved Amati showed a lack of genuine concern for the victims and denied responsibility for the attempted murder, playing victim and blaming both the effects of the Transitioning and his Father’s strictness for the attack. He was jailed for 14 years, after victims complained about an initial weak sentence of only 4 years’ jail time. Amati was placed in female jails where he apparently bullied female prisoners and demanded the oestrogen booster Progynova and Spractin, a testosterone suppressor.

Benjamin Rimmer had to endure hours of facial surgery in which titanium plates were inserted to hold his face together, and suffered permanent damage to his nerve and face. He would have been killed from a brain injury if he hadn’t glanced in Amati’s direction at the last minute, allowing him to turn his head away from the axe blow.

Sharon Hacker was left with nerve damage and trauma from her injuries and discovered later that trans-activist Amati had been aggressively grooming some mutual contacts to have transitioning surgery.

Amati has since began the process of ‘de-transitioning’ after realising that real women will never see him as an equal.

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Disruptive Black McDonalds customer causes chaotic scene Mon, 02 Jan 2023 23:37:18 +0000 Continue reading "Disruptive Black McDonalds customer causes chaotic scene"

Gobby, crazed Black woman caused chaos in McDonalds Hindley St, Adelaide, when she had a dramatic, violent and African-style outburst.

The woman of Subsaharan African descent threatened staff with violence, threw food around, and then helped herself to the unhealthy fast food available. After making a disruptive scene and upsetting the staff, the low-impulse control, noisy, woman-of-color was finally stopped by police and escorted away.

Two young staff members followed the woman around the store, one of whom is crying and filming, while the other was speaking on a phone.

Police said they were called to McDonald’s on Hindley Street in Adelaide’s central business district about 10:30pm on Thursday after reports of a woman acting in a disorderly manner.

They said a 19-year-old woman from Adelaide’s northern suburbs was arrested and charged with disorderly behaviour, property damage and assault.

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Boxing day murder of Beautiful English mother during robbery Mon, 02 Jan 2023 22:08:29 +0000 Continue reading "Boxing day murder of Beautiful English mother during robbery"

Emma and Lee Lovell, originally from Ipswich, England moved to Australia 11 years ago.

At 11:30pm Monday evening their family awoke to find intruders attempting to rob their home.

During a confrontation Emma was stabbed in the chest resulting in her death at the scene.

Neighbour Jay Balhatchet said he watched as paramedics tried to save her life for 15 to 20 minutes on the front lawn.

Her husband was stabbed in the back, but fortunately the injury was not a life threatening.

Two 17-year-old boys of Aboriginal heritage, one from Holland Park and one from Zillmere, have been charged with one count each of murder and attempted murder.

Two others, a 17-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy, are assisting police with their investigation.

Lee paid tribute to his wife outside the family home on Tuesday saying she “died trying to protect me and our family”.

One of the accused last year stabbed lawyer Aaron Anderson in his home in the Brisbane suburb of St Lucia last year when he was 15. Due to the charges being downgraded from attempted murder to unlawful wounding he was released allowing him to go on to rob the Lovells. One of the boys was actually arrested on Christmas Eve, for a seperate incident then released on Boxing Day just hours before Ms Lovell was killed.

It later transpired that two of the alleged killers lived in a ‘Half-way house’ that had been located just doors away from the Lovell home, resulting in the local community having a meeting raising safety concerns. ‘This is a prime example of what can happen [when there is no community consultation],’ one man said.

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Young Australian Dog walker stabbed to death by Indian Migrant Worker Mon, 19 Dec 2022 22:21:04 +0000 Continue reading "Young Australian Dog walker stabbed to death by Indian Migrant Worker"

After her family reported their daughter Toyah Cordingley, 24, missing when she failed to return home from walking her dog, a police search was called. The following morning her dead body was discovered at Wangetti beach by her father Troy 800 metres from her parked car, with the distressed dog tied to a nearby tree.

The 24-year-old pharmacy assistant was battered and bruised with ‘visible violent injuries’. An Indian investigation later found that the killer, Indian nurse Rajwinder Singh fatally stabbed Cordingley after an argument between the pair sparked by her dog barking at him. Singh had become “angered” by the dog barking and allegedly “stabbed her multiple times”, Indian Express reported, citing investigators.

He then buried the body in the sand and tied the dog to a tree.

. fled Australia two days later, leaving behind his job, wife and three children.

Tragic timeline of Toyah Cordingley’s murder

12-1pm, October 21: Toyah Cordingley goes shopping at Rusty’s Markets in downtown Cairns

12.40pm: She is filmed on CCTV crossing Sheridan Street near the markets

1pm: Ms Cordingley goes to her home in Cairns, where she may have changed her clothes, before driving out at 1.30pm

1.20pm: A family of four is seen having a picnic at Wangetti beach. Police have made multiple requests for them to come forward with information.

2pm: Ms Cordingley’s 2009 blue Mistubishi Lancer with the number plate ‘TOY 146’ is seen in Clifton Beach, about half way to Wangetti

2-2.30pm: Ms Cordingley arrives at Wangetti beach and parks in the southern car park. She takes her boyfriend’s dog Jersey for a walk on the sand and is not seen alive again

10.50pm: Her family report her missing after she doesn’t return home

7.45am, October 22: Ms Cordingley’s father Troy finds her body in the sand dunes, 800m from her car, while looking for her with a search party

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