UK, Hull - 25 November, 2021

White English girl pimped and raped by 150 Muslim men in Hull

Police Muslim Rape Gang Operation complete failure with zero prosecutions

In a shocking investigation by Sky News it was revealed that, despite many victims in Hull coming forward with evidence of Grooming, pimping, beatings, violence, rape and gang rape by Muslim gangs, the Police investigation, Operation Marksman, which began in 2019 and led to 34 arrests, was wound down early in 2021 due to problems finding evidence to prosecute the large numbers of rapists involved.

In the video the journalists interviewed 3 young White girls who had been young victims of the Muslim rape gangs often preyed on at primary schools.

‘Sarah’, a petite Blonde, was groomed by two Muslim men and brought food and presents. After a few months the rapes and gang rapes started, sometimes 10/11 per day.

“I think I was raped by around 150 men over the three-year period, sometimes 10 or 11 men wanted to rape me per day.” she said.

They were described as highly manipulative and controlling, threatening and carrying out violence for non-compliance of their disgusting sexual demands. She describes how, as well as beating, they used Tasers, hammers, and hand cuffs to discipline the girls. If this failed threatened to kill them or their families. She was told she would be set on fire or buried alive if she didn’t comply – or that her family would be murdered.

She described how she filmed being raped and that the resulting videos were shared amongst the attackers’ community.

“There’s videos out there of me as a 13, 14, 15-year-old little girl being raped by men,” she said.

“I’ve seen them. They’ve shown me them. One of the videos is captioned ‘English girl gets fucked against her will’

She also described how the Muslim rapists preferred very young pubescent girls

“I was blonde. I had no boobs. I was underdeveloped. I looked young – and that’s what they liked – the younger, the better. There were girls as young as primary school (age).”

‘Anna’, another petite Blonde haired, White girl became close to an older Muslim boy at her school, however he became violent and introduced her to other Muslim men who took over her life. She described how she was bitten, hit, slapped, dragged by the legs, pinned down and raped, burnt, spat on her attackers. This violent control was combined with emotional manipulation with pimps and rapists sometimes saying they loved her.

Sky also interviewed ‘Kate’, who had not been part of the Police’s investigation. She had been trafficked into Hull from outside. She described how there were grooming gang ‘hubs’ operating in different areas and that they were linked together. She said White girls from different hubs were exchanged for evenings so Muslim men can have access to new White rape victims.

Operation Marksman, the Police investigation into the Muslim grooming in Hull was wound down after 2 years of investigations. Despite 34 arrests and having photos, testimonies and other evidence the Police felt the lack of Digitial evidence from seized phones of alleged Muslim grooming gang members meant they would lose in court so incredibly gave up the investigation. Police said they were confident all lines of enquiry had been fully explored.

None of the Pimps or rapists ever saw justice or were even charged for their disgusting crimes against vulnerable White female children in Hull.

In a post script to this story, in 2022 it was reported that the UK Hydrant Programme team, a which looks at Muslim Grooming gangs on a National level, had been invited to provide an evidential review of the Hull investigation so far, which will hopefully lead to further efforts to prosecute the rapists in the future.

Article Sources

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We strive to present accurate information based on reliable sources and testimonies. Key points have citation links for fact checking. Anything published later shown by credible sources to be incorrect, we ask interested parties to let us know in the comments and we will amend or delete when possible. This website unapologetically displays races and ethnic groups of attackers and victims, to readdress Mainstream media bias. However, the information presented is to educate and inform readers and not intended to legitimise, condone or to incite hatred or violence to any persons named or others based on religion, race or ethnic group. We do not support unlawful activities or physical violence.

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