Sudanese Asylum seeker raped 17 year old in Hull cemetery
UK, Hull - 7 Aug 2018
SEXUAL predator told judge "why not?" as he admitted hiding in graveyard and raping women in the dead of night.

Sudanese Asylum seeker raped 17 year old in Hull cemetery

Ishaq Al-Noor, came to UK from Sudan, admitted raping student and attempting to rape 36-year-old mum

Ishaq Al-Noor, 21, who came to the UK from the Sudan three years ago, admitted raping a student, who was just 17 at the time, and attempting to rape a 36-year-old mum

A SEXUAL predator told a judge “why not?” as he admitted to hiding in a graveyard and raping women in the dead of night.

Asylum seeker Ishaq Al-Noor, 21, came to the UK from the Sudan three years ago and settled in Hull, East Yorkshire.

He will serve at least 10 years of a 16 year sentence before he can apply for parole and will remain on the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

Hull Crown Court heard he lay in wait late at night for victims to cross his path before dragging them into a cemetery.

The vile fiend admitted raping a teenage student, who was just 17 at the time, and attempting to rape a 36-year-old mum.

When the rape charge was put to him at a previous hearing, Al-Noor,through his interpreter, said: “Guilty. Yes, I did that. Why not?”

The teenager said in her victim impact statement: “When he assaulted me he might as well have taken my future, my sense of self, my security, and stomped on it.

“It shattered my parents’ perspective of their little girl, something no parent should have to go through.

“The guilt is still with me 12 months later. The horror in my mum’s voice when she asked me through the phone ‘has somebody hurt you?’ – it broke my heart.

“Having to sit there and recite the entire assault to a police officer in front of my parents turned me inside out.”

The victim had always been a straight A student, but since her ordeal her attendance and grades had dropped and she was suffering from paranoia and could not sleep.

She said: “Long days and longer nights lead to self-hate. I started to really despise myself. I hated myself with an intensity that scares me even now.

“I write letters about depression and suicide and leave them out in my room in the hope my parents would find it and see it as crying for help and get me some help.

“Through his actions he conveyed the message my ‘no’ was not important, and my body and soul were not worth the value that every human being deserves. My body was violated.”

Just six months after attacking the student on June 4 in the Spring Bank Cemetery, he tried to rape a woman on November 15, just yards from the same spot.

The woman described what happened as “the closest I have been to being murdered” adding: ” I don’t know how I managed to fight with him. I was shouting and screaming whilst he took me off my feet.

“I was screaming ‘No! Please stop! No!’ I thought I was going to be stabbed. He threw me to the ground and dragged me to the cemetery.

“He didn’t say anything in the graveyard. He just forced himself on me.”

Mirrored From: The Sun

Article Sources

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